Why Your Brand is Important to your Bottom Line

A brand is much more than a logo, symbol or design. A brand is a feeling. Good branding taps into the emotion of its potential customer and connects with them on an intimate level. Customers buy a product because they have a good feeling about the brand.

A strong brand must convey trust and credibility. If your brand is failing to do so, you will see the negative consequences affecting your bottom line.

Why branding is so important to your bottom line


Brand Loyalty. 59% of customers prefer to buy new products from brands they are familiar with. The trust level the brand has established has led to the consumer’s loyalty in buying again. It is much easier to retain customers than it is to acquire new ones.

Blacklisted. 40 percent of households have boycotted a brand all together due to it’s failed delivery. Ensure that you are offering a high level of customer service in order to avoid being blacklisted completely.

People Talk. Brands that inspire a higher level of emotional activity receive three times the word of mouth traffic as one that do not. Word of mouth traffic is the most credible referral you can receive and it’s completely free.

You’ve Got Mail.  Consumers are 64 percent more likely to open an e-mail from a brand they trust, as oppose to one they do not.  Your brand effectiveness will dictate the ability to ensure e-mail marketing success.

Social Media.  Nearly 40 percent of people recommend a brand they like or follow on a social media channel. Make sure your social media posts are positively affecting your brand strategy to help generate new clients.

Brand Integrity. Almost half of your brand is attributed to its perceived trustworthiness and it’s authenticity. Make sure a business (and a human being) you are always honest and deliver what you say you will deliver.

What your consumers feel about your brand and your company will lead to sales growths or business failures. If you feel that your brand fails to connect to your customers, we can help!

Allevi8 Marketing has created new brands, restored failing brands and worked with Top 20 Fortune companies in brand assistance. We have an amazing graphic design staff and brand leaders to assist you.  Reach out to us today for a free brand consultation and be where the world is going.

Patrick Taylor, Managing Partner at Allevi8 Marketing

Allevi8 Marketing, founded in 2016, is a creative marketing agency specializing in small to medium sized business. Located in the historic Chicago neighborhood of Hyde Park, Allevi8 Marketing stands as a catalyst in the marketing world.
Twitter – @Allevi8_Mktg

Facebook – Allevi8 Marketing

Instagram – allevi8_mktg 




Mommy to a pigeon pair, blogger and online marketer. Lover of chocolate, good books and buckets of coffee.


  1. You helped me a great deal in understanding just what branding is all about and the importance of it.

    Now, can you tell me a little bit more about Allevi8 and how they can help me create my own brand? What can they do that I can’t do for myself? I am sure there is a lot more to it than I am seeing. This is all rather new to me.

    Thank you for your help.

    • Hi Sue

      Allevi 8 is a marketing company that specializes in branding, public relations and marketing. You can visit their website by clicking through one of the links in the post 🙂

      I am not sure what line of work you are in Sue, but I know for myself I spend all my day blogging and marketing on social media. There is a lot more that goes into marketing than just sharing posts on my Facebook account 🙂

      Creating a positive image of yourself and creating goodwill towards your company name can take quite a bit of work and management. I am a one person company and I just cant get to everything myself, so it is a great idea to outsource some of the workload.

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