3 Top Benefits Of Guest Posting

If you are a blogger, or even if you have another type of online business, guest posting is a great way to grow your business. You may be wondering how guest blogging can help you grow your business even if you have heard of the term guest posting.

Guest posting involves writing an article and having it published on someone else’s blog or website. In fact I offer guest posting on this website, my mommy blog and on my addiction blog.

Top Benefits of Guest Posting

There are lots of benefits of guest posting but here are the 3 main reasons you want to start guest posting:

Increase Your Reach

Whether you have a blog, an online store or a local business with a website guest posting will increase awareness of your business and your brand. If you have a blog you can gain more readers and if you have a local business you will have just extended the reach of your business.

You can gain more subscribers, more followers on social media and more customers. This is a chance to showcase your knowledge and skills in your area of expertise, making this an invaluable exercise.

Gain Some Quality Traffic

Having your guest post featured on another website could mean an increase in traffic to your website. The really awesome thing about traffic from a guest post is that the traffic is usually high quality traffic. Yes you can get lots of social media traffic, but remember not all traffic is equal.

While you may get buckets of traffic from social media, that does not necessarily mean those readers will stay on your website very long or at some stage become customers. Traffic from guest blogging is the type of high quality targeted traffic that you need.

Build Your Website Strength

If you have your own website you must have heard various terms such as domain authority, ranking, citation flow, trust flow and many others?

Well getting guest posts published on quality websites will help you to build up all of these important factors that build up the strength of your website.

Guest posting on websites that are in your niche will help to build your authority within that niche and help you to rank your website higher in search engines for specific keyword terms that you are wanting to rank for.

If for example you are a mommy blogger you should be searching for parenting websites that will accept a parenting guest post.

Some websites will only allow your main url within your bio to be included with your guest post, while other websites may allow you to include one or even more links with relevant anchor text to some of your articles which will really help you to increase your keyword rankings.



Mommy to a pigeon pair, blogger and online marketer. Lover of chocolate, good books and buckets of coffee.


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