Picking The Right Blog Keywords And What They Mean To Your Business

Many entrepreneurs wonder exactly what keywords are. Simply put, these are the words and strings of words that folks use when entering a search query.

For instance, an eyeglass and contact lens retailer might offer a range of decorative contact lens for special events. The person in charge of marketing might do some research, speaking to customers personally and taking advantage of online resources for tracking consumer interests. As a result, she might determine that the phrase “prescription costume contact lens” is a frequently used phrase. Since this is one of the ways that the contact lens selection can be sorted, it is the perfect addition to a blog post title, “Choosing The Perfect Prescription Costume Contact Lens.”

This particular blog post could discuss the various reasons that folks want to have decorative lenses, such as cosplay and Halloween. Additionally, it could provide some guidance for folks looking to find the perfect pair. The phrases itself, known as a long-tail keyword, should appear in the article as well as the title. However, you shouldn’t continue to repeat it. Instead, each of the words should be mixed in naturally with the rest of the content. The use of synonyms is also helpful for letting the search engines know exactly what the article is about. In this example, you might include words and phrases such as “cosplay contacts,” “funky prescription lenses,” and “prescription cat eyes.”

The purpose of studying and understanding what folks are looking for is to make the right content to grab their eyes during a Google search.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind that you can use to create more powerful blog posts:

Picking The Right Blog Keywords and What They Mean For Your Business

  1. Get Specific

Rather than attempting to cast a wide net, you want your keywords to hone in on a particular thing. Choosing a generic phrase like “contact lenses” will make it much more difficult for you to show up than if you narrow the focus. with “contact lenses for holidays.”

Another important thing to look at that can help you to understand the importance is the level of focus the consumer has. Someone using a general phrase like “contact lenses” is more likely to be in the investigative stage than a person who enters “cosplay contacts,” who is more likely ready to make a purchase. The more focused your keywords towards the final sale, the closer you will be to reaching folks who are ready to spend some dough.

  1. Keywords In The Title

Search engine optimization (SEO) entails a great deal of things, including the right title. Put your keywords near the beginning of the title to let Google and other search engines know exactly what the article is about. Additionally, potential visitors will know what to expect.

  1. Don’t Be Dense

Although keyword stuffing was once a thing, those days are long gone. Rather than making the keyword density high, you need to focus on quality content where the keywords and variations are seamlessly incorporated into it suggest SEO business Digitrio. Always make certain that the content sounds natural and that it provides real information regarding the topic.

Blog posts should generally be at least 300 words. You can certainly create longer ones, just be sure that it is chock full of content rather than meandering prose that will send visitors scurrying for the back button.

Keywords Research Choosing Keywords

  1. Link Love Yourself

When folks come to your blog, whether they saw it on social media or found it in the search engine results, what are they going to find? Where will you be leading visitors from there? Do you have what it takes to retain their attention and eventually make a sale?

Even those in the industry sometimes forget to include internal linking to help keep folks on site. This can often be seen as folks leaving a site once they have read the page they landed on. Folks who have this problem can have superbly constructed articles with perfect SEO and fascinating information with a multimedia presentation. However, if people don’t have easy access to links that will lead them elsewhere on the blog, they are likely to return to their social media or search engine page.

The thing is that you must have internal links that go from one page to another, helping to provide visitors with options within your site for further information. Additionally, it is important to have a good call to action if you want to raise your conversion rates to acceptable levels.

In the above contact lens example, internal links might occur when an article mentions contact lens care. A link can be used to lead folks to another, comprehensive article specifically about contact lens care. Alternatively, you might construct the link to send them directly to your product pages.

  1. Use Image ‘Alt’ Tags

When you add pictures, these are the little tags that let search engines know what the image is about. Good SEO includes using keywords in them.



Mommy to a pigeon pair, blogger and online marketer. Lover of chocolate, good books and buckets of coffee.


  1. Finding the right keyword is something I struggle with as a new online marketer, and sometimes it takes me longer to find a keyword than it does to write the article! Your post really framed it out for me and clarified some issues, especially with respect to internal linking. Thanks!

    • Hi Amy

      Many people underestimate the importance of internal linking 🙂 It is brilliant for SEO and also provides a great way for your readers to move around your website!

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