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10 Secrets for Online Success: FREE eBook with give away rights

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I have just published my first eBook, 10 Secrets for Online Success and it has been an amazing experience which I want to share with you.

I suppose you might be wondering why I decided to write an eBook? Great question and I am so excited to share this with you. So I have started focusing on email marketing which is an avenue I have not really spent much time on. I have a lot to learn still and I will be sharing everything with you as I go.

So there is a very good reason you want to start email marketing, but I won’t go into that here, you can read about that in a previous article I recently wrote: Why Email Marketing is So Important. Read that quickly and then we can go on with this topic. Done?

How to Build Your List?

The first step is of course to build your list, you need to get people to give you their email address. It is not so easy of course. Trust me on this, if you just have a subscribe form that has nothing to offer your readers they won’t be that keen to sign up will they?

So the first step is to offer them something great. A free eBook is a great way to get subscribers to sign up. I did some research and there are ways to get eBooks that have give away rights. I searched for where to find free eBooks give away rights. I downloaded loads of these, searching for an eBook that I liked and that was nice and professional.  I can’t bear the thought of someone signing up to my newsletter and getting a shoddy eBook!

I spent about 3 weeks on my search and I have to admit, I got very irritated and frustrated.

Why did I write my own eBook?

The end result of this experiment was that I was tired of searching through rubbish to find something even remotely worthwhile. I turned my thoughts to writing my own eBook and this was a daunting thought,

Let me just explain to you quickly the three reasons why I decide to write my own eBook:

  1. I wanted a professional looking and good eBook to give away on my website.
  2. I want to create trust and authority for me, not for another author.
  3. I want to be able to direct readers to my website and my links, not to someone else’s!

So I stopped my search for an eBook with give away rights and instead I started researching how to write my own eBook. I am not sure what you think but I think I did quite a good job! Please give me some feedback in the comments so I know what you think, after all I wrote it just for you.

What did writing an eBook do for me?

Firstly I’ve gotten some feedback from some people and I am quite chuffed. They liked my book! This has given me more confidence within myself.

But here are some of the concrete things it has done for me already:

  1. Since I added my free eBook to my subscribe form I am getting subscribers at triple the rate I was before.
  2. I have had people in the industry contact me and ask to link to my website (yes I feel like a celebrity)
  3. I have had people in the industry ask me if they can have give away rights! Oh my gosh, I’m flattered and YES!
  4. I have the confidence to start writing more eBooks to give away and to sell too.
  5. I have had more referrals on my website since I published my eBook
  6. I have had readers contact me directly and chat to me. Someone even phoned me!

Would you like my eBook to give away on your website?

Yes take it and use it with pleasure! I only ask that you remember that it is my eBook so don’t change it and don’t copy my work please. Other than that have fun and use it to your advantage!

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With Give Away Rights

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So what is my plan now?

Well my goal here is to help you make money. How do I plan to do this? I am going to take everything I have learned from this experiment and help you do the same. I am busy writing an eBook on how to write an eBook.

As soon as I have published that I will give it to you, it will also include some templates. I’m not sure about you, but that is where I got most stuck and I had to get a lot of help with that so I will provide you with some templates to get your started!

I am also busy with an eBook that is called 10 Steps to Online Success which is a follow up to the free eBook 10 Secrets for Online Success. This will take you step by step how to start your online business and what to do when.

What do I suggest you do?

Take my eBook and use it on your website to get subscribers! If your online searches for free eBooks with give away rights came up with the same things I found you will love my eBook.

The next thing I suggest you do is get started right now with your own eBook. It is not an easy task at all, but trust me on this it is worth every minute of your time and effort.

For now using my eBook will benefit me and it will benefit you. You will have a quality eBook to give away on your website, so you will get more subscribers. I will benefit by my name gaining trust and authority. However long term this is only a win for me right? For exactly the same reasons I wrote my own eBook I suggest you too write your own.

And if you subscribed to my newsletter before I published this eBook please reply to the email when you get this blog broadcast and I will happily send it to you!

Please let me know what you think of my eBook and if you enjoyed this post by leaving a comment, I really do appreciate your feedback!

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